Abbaye des Rocs

Located in Montignies-sur-Rocs in Hainaut province near the French border this small, three person, family run brewery started commercial operation in 1979 and is located on the original site of the Abbaye des Rocs. Some of the buildings date from the original abbey and water is still drawn from the original source on the abbey grounds.

Run by Nathalie Eloir, one of the few women brewmasters in Belgium, the brewery focuses on artisanal products using original recipes that have been handed down through generations. A number of dark, complex, Abbey style beer are brewed along with a number of lighter blondes and witbiers.

Abbaye des Rocs Brune Abbaye des Rocs Brune

The Brune is an incredibly big, malty, Abbey style beer made with seven types of malts and three different hops. To the nose there are rich aromas of warm spice, dark roasted malts, dark pitted fruit, and raisins. Flavors are of toffee, dark cherries, dates, and spice. There is an inherent sweetness, but of interest, no sugar is added during production.

Ratebeer 100. ABV is 9%

Abbaye des Rocs Grand CruAbbaye des Rocs Grand Cru

The Grand Cru is also a big malty, Abbey style beer. Not to be outdone by the Brune it’s also very complex, with more dark fruit, cherries, and caramel in the mix plus a bit of licorice and tobacco to make thing interesting. Smooth, medium to full bodied

Ratebeer 100. ABV is 9.5%

Abbaye des Rocs Triple Imperiale Abbaye des Rocs Triple Imperiale

The Triple Imperiale is harder to categorize. Perhaps an Abbey style or a Quad. Definitely a Belgian Dark Strong Ale. The Imperiale is malty, soft, full bodied, and sweet. There is definite dark fruit and malts to the nose, and the flavors carry these notes along with a good dose of caramel and a bit of orange/citrus. A good paring as an appetizer or with a desert.

Ratebeer 99. ABV of 10% is well hidden.

Abbaye des Rocs Blanche des HonnellesAbbaye des Rocs Blanche des Honnelles

Blanche des Honnelles is a complex and fruity Belgian Witbier. Along with the typical yeasty, wheat aromas of this style there is also a good dose of malt, fruity oranges/ bananas, and spice. It’s complex and full, but not overpowering.

Ratebeer 93 (99 for style). ABV of 6%.

Abbaye des Rocs MontagnardeAbbaye des Rocs Montagnarde

Named after a town in the proximity of the brewery the Montagnarde is a fruity Dark Strong. There are aromas of ginger, oranges, and toffee; and flavors of brown sugar, raisins, roasted malts and spice. Maybe gingerbread.

Ratebeer 95. ABV of 9%.